AMP is hosting a series of 3 master classes that engages Twin Cities dance artists as part of our 11th Season Performance. Three of the ELEVEN Choreographers will lead a master class the week of the show, exploring the depth and variety in the Twin Cities dance community. Move on the Southern stage with 3 distinct movement experiences in a welcoming atmosphere!
Master Class Schedule:
4/14 - Friday 10-11:30am - Joanna Lees
4/15 - Saturday 10 - 11:30am - Brianna Rae Johnson
4/15 - Saturday 11:45am-1:15pm - Khary Jackson
4/14 - Friday 10-11:30am - Joanna Lees
4/15 - Saturday 10 - 11:30am - Brianna Rae Johnson
4/15 - Saturday 11:45am-1:15pm - Khary Jackson
Rates - Take More Classes + Save $
1 Single Master Class - $18
2 Master Classes - $30 ($15/class)
3 Master Classes - $39 ($13/class)
Pre-registration + payment preferred.
Cash, Venmo, Credit Card, and Check accepted at the door (recommend you arrive 10 minutes prior to class time if you are not pre-registered).
1 Single Master Class - $18
2 Master Classes - $30 ($15/class)
3 Master Classes - $39 ($13/class)
Pre-registration + payment preferred.
Cash, Venmo, Credit Card, and Check accepted at the door (recommend you arrive 10 minutes prior to class time if you are not pre-registered).
Joanna Lees, AMP Artistic Director
Contemporary Movement Practice
Friday, April 14th - 10:00-11:30am
Move BIG, sweat and play in an energizing atmosphere supported by pop hits in this Contemporary Movement Practice. Participants will build awareness + explore expansive possibilities within their own individuality and identities. Through improvised + structured movement vocabulary, participants will be encouraged to research freedom, 3-D expansion, mobility, rigor, presence, + agency in choice-making + empowerment with each individual's own unique body.
Curiosity // Connection// Community // Choice // Change
Brianna Rae Johnson
Flying and Falling
Saturday, April 15th - 10:00-11:30am
With weight and momentums as our guides, we'll begin low and slow to gradually ease joints into dynamic and athletic movement.
More about Brianna: https://briannaraedance.com/
Photo: Simone Sagar.
Khary Jackson
Embodying the Music
Saturday, April 15th - 11:45am - 1:15pm
We will explore movement while listening in detail to the many sounds present in any given song. While isolating instrumentation, layering sonic textures, re-contextualizing lyrics and imagining fresh connections between music and movement, we will play and share as dancers and/or choreographers.